Friday, April 1, 2011

Diaper Stackers

My mom gave me this great book on how to make basic nursery decor. Its really great because it really breaks things down and makes it easy to sew these cute things. It also teaches basic sewing skills, which I'm still working on. I bought the fabric to make these about a month ago (soon after baby Cole was born) but I kept putting it off for good reasons (cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids). I decided if I didn't do something I probably wouldn't get around to it until they were both in kindergarten :)

So this week on Monday I decided to ignore the apartment and luckily Landon and Cole cooperated and it were low maintenance.  I just would sew whenever they were both content and I was able to almost finish it. It required I little more work on Tuesday but overall it didn't take too much time (less without interruptions) and it was fun to make.Plus I was able to sew it all without calling my mom to figure it out. I am really happy with how they turned out! So if you are looking for nursery decor check out that book!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Landon's 2nd Birthday Cake

I got the idea for this cake from a blog that I follow The Sister's Cafe. I added gummy worms to the idea but it was a big hit. I also just used cool whip instead of making my own whipped topping. Call me lazy...

My mom preferred this to normal cake because she liked the whipped topping frosting better then regular frosting. It was really easy to make and Landon loved it. It was really easy to make which I was looking for since I also have a newborn now!

Cake hint: Don't cook it as long as it tells you on the box. It's much more moist if you just cook it until it starts pulling away from cake pan.